Max De Jersey - De Jersey Shunter - Holden Grey Motor

ONE of the peak names inward Australian drag racing must for certain be that of 25-yr-quondam engineering mechanic Max De Jersey, secretary/ treasurer of the Victorian Hot Rod Association in addition to a leading light of the hot rod drive for the by 4 years. Max'second involvement inwards motor sport started at the tender historic period of 14 when he built his beginning car an all-Independently suspended TQ which he had ideas of racing at the straightaway-clefunet Brennoeic Park Speedway. Unfortunately Max'sec parents didn't percentage his thought in addition to the TQ was, inward Max's words, "disposed of".

Four years subsequently he got his driving licence together with once once again started operate on a contest car--an FX Holden. When work finished inward 1498 the ear boasted a 3 1/eighth in. bore, iii carburettors too a iv
Rudimentary cockpit of the Holden runway the one/16th overbore started at high 16s et
speed ENV gearbox, amongst tuning by Jack Wilson of Norm Beechey fame) power output was In the vincinity of 110 bhp. Unfortunately once once again a footling gentle pressure level was applied and Max sold the machine to track competition Barry. Foster. He had a few punts only the oar'sec best functioning was when Kevin Dean took it to tertiary placing inwards the Victorian Touring Title at Phillip Island. In this race the car was beaten alone by ii Super ninety Porsches and did in fact atomic number 82 dwelling house drivers similar Norm Beechey too John Raeburn.

Later In '58 L)e Jersey gained an involvement in drag racing, which at that fourth dimension was nether the control of the Southern Hot Rod Club together with rattling much In its infancy. This time there were no objections from his parents he had learnt his lesson too this fourth dimension merely didn't bother to order them.

This new automobile was a "Holden powered space frame" only during testing on a deserted country road, De Bailiwick of Jersey came over a slight rising to discover a moo-cow filling almost of the available infinite. During the hectic few moments which followed this monumental uncovering the new device was untidily demolished. Max recalls amongst chagrin the fact that he fifty-fifty had to reimburse i irate cow cocky for destroying valuable livestock. Even worse were the number of stories doing the rounds. almost De Jersey who shunted de Jersey.

Shortly afterward this he married together with for a fourth dimension dropped all thoughts of competition motoring. However the põrnikas was shortly biting once again as well as he invested in a '34 Ford sedan which as he describes was "my commencement big fault". The Ford was proficient fun simply even after chopping, channelling, too and then on it was yet far from a acme performer. He ran at a few East Pakenham meetings just eventually sold the car to a speedway stocky who converted it for bash together with crash. Again De Jersey bought out of things for a spell, and so inward 1962 he built upward an FX Holden strictly for dragging. Its start outing was on the straight at Phillip Island when the SHRC turned on a demonstrate betwixt events.

His time was xvi.two on a slightly downgrade quarter as well as he duly col-lected fastest fourth dimension of the twenty-four hours. This automobile featured a 31 in. bore in addition to at the Island ran amongst twin 2 inwards. SU carts. These were later replaced alongside triple xiv inwards. tarts as well as inwards this grade Max clocked fourteen.85 seconds at the Victorian Sporting Car Club's Fishermans Bend quarter (as well as in Max'sec persuasion a damn curt quarter mile) sprint. This proved to be 5th fastest time recorded during the 24-hour interval for all classes together with Max was pretty happy with the outcome. With sprints and drags few too far betwixt this motorcar was sold. De Bailiwick of Jersey once once more went into retirement. Then inwards belatedly 1962 Riverside Dragway lastly got underway. At this time he was working with Dave Bennett at Perfeetune and it wasn't long before Perfectune built upwards some other Holden strictly for drag racing.

With Max at the bicycle the Perfectune auto clocked a best of fifteen.95, which wasn't besides bad, although Dave Bennett afterward carried out farther mods together with lowered this figure to xv.7 seconds. Shortly after this Max left Perfectune, built upwardly his own dragster chassis together with installed an FX Holden power institute. Running only i/eight in. over bore, unmarried cart) and measure exhaust the new rail clocked sixteen.ane at its get-go outing. Max over again prepare to too amongst chassis together with engine modifications this figure came downward to thirteen.2 seconds and 106 mph through the traps past Nov of 1963. With finance somewhat on the short side this rail was sold as well as for a fourth dimension Max drove John Frencham'sec ex-police Studebaker Lark. This automobile was clocking times around xvi.25 only due to Max'sec rather vicious ability shifting it became necessary to supercede the synchro later on every meeting.

When finances improved Max bought a infinite frame from Norm Wilson of Repco Research in addition to subsequently rebuilding to his ain ideas he dropped inward Brian Kewin's Holden engine as well as turned a 12.half-dozen in addition to 110 mph. A fairy godmother at once appeared on the scene inwards the form of Dynospeed who agreed to build upward a 179 engine. Stock capacity was retained merely the unit was given full competition clearances, an Eddie Thomas camshaft, triple twin-kick the bucket Hitachi carburettors, solid lifters too a full residual job. Power was transmitted through a slightly modified 179 chitch mounted• to a half-dozen lb steel flywheel. A stripped EH gearbox, running solely moment together with high cogs, was 'coupled upwards in addition to traction striking the bitumen via a measure iii.89 to i FJ differential. -The thought behind this new track was to make or so-matter which was both fast and, even more than of import, reliable. Even and then, ability output was over 170 bhp and equally Max figures the rig all the same alone owes near £450 this is pretty proficient perform'an'ce

The rail carried exclusively one gallon of fuel, plenty for two runs, and the cooling system consisted of ,host the water contained inwards the caput in addition to block —summation, of course, a pretty solid smash of air. The best ET e'er clocked by Max was together with a final charge per unit of 119.4 mph — non existent bad for a measure bore Holden. Following his appearance at the Feb Riverside, where he once once again took Top Elim honors alongside a fourth dimension of 12.fifteen together with 113.ix mph. Max announced that the track had been sold and go was already well underway on a new fauna. This latest track is nevertheless inwards the process of development. How this novel "jigger" will perform remains to live seen but 1 affair is for certain. Max De Bailiwick of Jersey is inward the game to stay — too his chief aim inwards life is "... to innovate every bit many others as possible to this inexpensive form of the sport." Hot rodding is firmly on the map in Australia in addition to, similar America. it is here to rest. Melbourne together with Riverside are in the enviable position of existence the centres of the sport in this land. Big Question is. tin they agree that atomic number 82? Latest developments propose they tin can. They accept the support of close to of the State'second best known motor-ing personalities. Three of them have new rail Projected together with these hope to be large stirrers in the dragging world. Eddie Thomas has a new secret weapon which promises to be inward the work-ning for Ton Eliminator.

Knowing the mode Eddie does things we don't hesitate to brand that prediction. But at that place will be even more than opposition. De Jersey'sec track has already been mentioned only Mustang Man Nomi Beechey is on the fashion alongside 1 as well. The chances are that a Beech Rail would live more than a niggling potent. He volition undoubtedly pursue peak track honors alongside the same keenness equally he has chased the National Touring Car title. And it only could be a Beechey yr. After all, he but won the Australian Touring Car Cham-pionsh'ps in addition to he has never looked amend.

Whichever style you lot await at it, the sport pro-mises to be rather exciting this twelvemonth By the terminate of the year nosotros predict the introduce effort will have doubled. tin other words. y'all can wait to run across twice every bit many rods, track as well as dragsters around. This tin't fail to attract the spectators. Vive la Riverside!

Hot Rodding Review - July/August 1966 Page 21

1 Response to "Max De Jersey - De Jersey Shunter - Holden Grey Motor"

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