The Jigsaw Fj - Custom Crazy

Custom Crazy
You wont notice a JigSaw similar this Super FJ in whatever ol' toy shop.

Courtesy of Street Machine "Hot Holdens"  October/Nov '87 Author Michael Stahl too photos past Warwick Kent
 ( forepart comprehend motion picture posted downwards below ) -

What is the boundary to a client's desires? Seems Dave Johnson too his Jigsaw FJ Holden consider it'second somewhere upwards inward the clouds. From a brilliantly blended mix 'n' agree interior to a beautifully crafted rocker encompass, this FJ'sec all grade. Covering all the tiddler miracles Dave performed won't be slowly ...

D.J. together with FJ Holdens become dorsum a long style. When Dave sold the concluding ane, withdrawal symptons were overbearing. Working at Perfection Bodyworks in Brisbane, Dave saw enough of modernistic — and no-and so-modern — cars cash in one's chips earlier his eyes. The temptation to construct a streeter and making the best of both worlds grew. This automobile was presently on the drawing boards.

Jigsaw pulls y'all in with its trunk, a distinctive cast which y'all could confuse amongst no other. There'sec a reason for that — many, equally it turns out. The chassis rails were snatched from an FJ ute together with welded inward. All seams were joined too welded, for greater force together with a cleaner complete.

The bring up wheel arches were dropped six inches to adapt chrome trims from . . . Dave won't enjoin. An imported motorcar, we're told. The parent quarter panels were puffed upwardly to have Laser tail lights. And speaking of lights, take a gander at the JD Camira items upwardly front end. Matter of fact, the whole olfactory organ department was redesigned past Dave, including a paw-made grille, sculptured from brass. Artwork folks, pure artwork . . .

FJ fans will recognise that the windscreen's definitely not master. Matter of fact, it'sec from an ACCO truck too has been flush bonded! Flush bonding is likewise used on the rear window. Side glass is — await for it —armour plated! The raised ridge between torso together with turret is gone, replaced past a smoothed, rounded curve. And y'all've gotta come across what'sec inside, so to make that, swing on Toyota Camry doorhandles.

Front 'n' raise bumpers are from an LH Torana, color coded together with blessed with new bump strips. We aren't surprised that the parent deck spoiler is a mitt-crafted, Dave Johnson especial. Or that the inner guards work stainless steel protector plates. Or that there's a ten gallon Galant fuel tank nether the rear finish, incorporating a spare bicycle time out. With Dave too the Jigsaw, nil surprises you lot after a patch .. .

All that took eighteen months of solid —in addition to we mean rock firm — run. If yous've ever attempted whatever class of body modernistic, you lot'll empathise that taking 18 months reveals the owner to be a quick worker. Jigsaw's a existent head-swiveller underneath, also. Dave took all fuel and brake lines, arranged 'em downward the tranny tunnel in addition to kept everything nice and tidy. Then made a total belly pan to protect all that hard work — both underneath together with inwards the engine bay. The pan makes life a lot easier come cleaning time.

Being protected is a 138 side-plate factory from a '63 EJ. Supercharged. Fully detailed. And, of form, customised. Not many keen street cars function a 138 upward forepart, just for Dave the argue was quite logical. Queensland rego laws are pretty strict, as well as the 138 was the solely powerplant recognised past the government. Being hassled wasn't the type of weekend pastime Dave had inwards mind .. .

Work was performed inside in addition to out. The block was linished, alongside all form marks polished away to create a bright finish. It was then painted inwards the brilliant magenta earlier your eyes. Inside is where it all counts together with here Dave had the moving bulk balanced — stock crank, rods, rings in addition to pistons. A 453 GN blower isn't outrageous and inward this instance likely adds to Jigsaw's appeal.

It'sec fed induction mixture by a 48mm Weber, which sits on a Johnson-made base of operations plate too is topped past a pull a fast one on air box. Big valves, double springs, a Cornish blower camshaft and chrome moly pushrods ... it'second all there. Assembled past Dave'sec dad, who simply happens to live a motor mechanic. Custom Exhausts — together with Graham Bevis inwards detail — are responsible for the headers as well as exhaust organization. You couldn't young woman spotting that braided business, because it'second all Earl'second best.

Neat underbonnet touches abound. Hidden wiring, of class. Special water ticker pulley together with breathers on a tricked rocker cover. If you want a rocker embrace similar Dave'sec, ask him for it, because Dad 'n' Dave designed together with built this ane. The painting together with general detailing inwards the engine bay is to truthful show automobile measure. Dream stuff.

Engine power'second fine, simply you've got to get in operate. That responsibleness cruel to a TriMatic transmission from a Commodore. To make that run correctly, Dave installed a Starfire convertor together with B&chiliad shifter. An LH Torana came in handy in one case again, donating its iii.55 ratio express sideslip diff together with drum brakes. EH drums snapped into the front end and the whole arrangement is given a kicking inward the shoes by an HR brake booster.

Jigsaw is driven as well as on occasions it isn't spared, then Dave didn't make a present auto that'd autumn on its ear at the first corner. That'sec why the FJ runs a pause gear up-upward devised by the pros at Fulcrum Suspension. Lovell's Springs and Monroe Wylie shocks made certain this is a sensible street auto. Wheels were of import for dynamics and looks, then Dave opted for polished Dragway Indys. Dunlop Le Mans prophylactic surrounds the rims, which are xiv x vii upward forepart and 14x viii at the power finish.

Take a await within, as well as you lot'll run into another chapter inward the Johnson Book of Car Crafting. There'sec then much clever go hither, nosotros'll permit you lot selection the parts from our pictures in addition to turn over y'all the highlights instead. Front seats in addition to steering column are from a Datsun 200B — did you lot pick 'em? LH Torana window winders, interior door handles past TF Gemini and . . . the listing is endless. Play selection the office yourself. Of grade, all interior components accept been co-ordinated to match the superb Cherry Red Pearl finish on the outside metallic.

What do yous tell about a car similar this? due south'put all you lot tin study is that it'second the Earth'second finest mix and match performance. How anyone volition elevation it is a puzzle to us ... ❑

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